About 27,000 families/households have been identified, as affected from an earthquake hit district Awaran in 2013, while 16,000 families were covered by HRA phase 1 (which was approved after an extensive survey/revalidation carried out by a firm, district Administration and army). Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through Saudi Fund for Development (SFD) agreed to sponsor for remaining 8,000 families at the rate of Rs. 2,60,000/- per beneficiary (in four installments), besides, Grants for construction of Government buildings & restoration of Livelihoods in the earthquake affected area are also included in SFD Grants. Three Agreements were signed in April 2016 between Government of Pakistan & SFD. Distribution of cheques was inaugurated in March 2019 and construction of works was started accordingly. The Owner-Driven-Construction mode was also approved and adopted for execution of Project-I, construction of permanent houses in Awaran. Contractor mode (competitive process of biddings) for remaining two projects have been approved and are in bidding and execution process.

Housing Reconstruction Awaran (Phase-2)- SFD Grants

Project-I Construction of Permanent Houses:

  • Construction of Permanent Houses for Earthquake Affected Families of Awaran Balochistan on Owner-Driven-Construction-Mode. (Initially 8000 Houses)
  • Rs.260,000 per Beneficiary in Four Installments
  • Provision of Home Solar Unit to each beneficiary after Completion of House
Total Approved cost :USD 25 Million

Project-II Construction of Government Buildings in Awaran Balochistan

  • Construction of Government Complex
  • Construction of 02 Executive Residences
  • Construction of 02 Rest Houses in Awaran
  • Construction of 08 Residential Quarters
Total cost USD 1 Million

Project-III Restoration of Livelihoods in Awaran

  • Construction of 30 Livestock Ponds  for animals and wildlife
  • Construction of 40 Water Tanks  for Agriculture Purpose     
  • Construction of 10 Water Diversion structure. 
  • 10 Boring & Drilling well for Drinking water.    
  • Construction of 150 Rooms for deserving families.
  • Provision of 580 Sewing Machines to widows.   
Total Cost USD 1.5 Million

SFD Grant

Physical Progress

Level Wise Progress of the Project
1st Level advance for land-living 7935
2nd Level achieved at Door band Level 7503
3rd Level achieved at Roof band Level 6983
4th Final Level & Completed Houses 5435

Shake table test of the structure by NED University

House Designs

Block/Brick House

Mud House

SFD Grant for Housing Reconstruction Phase-II

Inauguration ceremony

Cheque Distribution

Completed Houses From SFD Grant

HRA Completed Houses

Construction Phases

Plinth Level

Door Band 2nd Level

Roof Band 3rd Level

Completed 4rth and Final Level