Phase I Development

Establishment of Housing Reconstruction Awaran(HRA) Project

  • Established by Government of Balochistan in 2014

  • Based on ‘Owners’ Driven Mode’ i.e. no contractors are involved in construction work

  • Two different house designs adopted for construction

    • Mud House
    • Block/Brick House
  • Seismic safe house design developed by NED UET, claimed Asia Civil Engineering Coordination Council (ACECC) Award 2019

Shake table test of the structure by NED University

House Designs

Block/Brick House

Mud House

HRA design won the Asia Civil Engineering Coordination Council Award 2019

Water Supply Schemes

Solar water Supply schemes – 18

  • Mashkay
    Rawat, Gowarjak, Kalaro ,Gorkai, Harooni, Ronjan1, Sunerhi, Jebri

  • Awaran
    Park, Dansar, Ziarat Dan, Mashi, peerandar

  • Gishkore
    Sham Mallar,Jarhain

  • Dandar (District Kech)
    Ahmed Bazar, Umait Bazar, Bandmalik

Rehabilitation & Reconstruction

Rs4.0 Billion

Provided by Federal and Provincial Governments for rehabilitation of earthquake affected families in District Awaran & Kech.

16,000 Affected families

Provided grant for reconstruction of new houses in District Awaran and UC Dandar of District Kech.

Rs.220,000 Per Beneficiary

Grant paid in three installments for the construction of houses and provision of solar home units after completion of construction.



Houses Built (376 work in Progress)

Through house grant provided by Government of Pakistan to earthquake affected families in District Awaran & Kech.

12,904 Solar home units Remaining 3096

18 WSS (Completed)

Distributed to affected families for supply of electricity. Who completed their construction work.

Around 4 billion

Spent on generating economic activity in the affected Districts of Awaran & Kech.

Repair of Awaran Bela Road Total cost:13.4 million

Upgradation of Madrassas in District Awaran

Construction of model school at Gishkore Total cost:26 M

HRA Completed Houses

Home Solar Units Distribution

Cheque Distribution